Ver Angola



Raw Materials

Angola is the main priority for De Beers, which has already identified six possible areas to explore diamonds

Al Cook, CEO of De Beers, said that Angola is the best place in the world when it comes to diamond exploration, and the South African multinational's main priority. Furthermore, the CEO – who was received, this Wednesday, by the President of the...


José Barroso says regional market looks to Angola as a possible gas supplier

The Secretary of State for Oil and Gas said this Monday that the southern region is looking at Angola as a possible gas supplier, adding that there are “many requests” from the Democratic Republic of Congo, South Africa and Namibia.


Sonangol and Chinese company sign agreement consisting of the production of photovoltaic panels in Angola

Sonangol and the Chinese company Qinghai Lihao Clean Energy recently signed a memorandum that aims to form a partnership to implement a project in the photovoltaic solar energy industrial chain, the flagship oil company reported, adding that the...

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