Ver Angola


Catholic Studies Center predicts growth between three and a half to four percent by 2027

This Tuesday, the prospects for economic growth for the country were presented by the Center for Study and Scientific Research (CEIC) of the Catholic University of Angola (UCAN). The results of the analysis are part of the work “Angolan Economic Growth Scenario until 2027 and the Impact on Employment”, launched at the same event.


According to Alves da Rocha, director of CEIC, the economic growth rates presented in the study are not very different from the perspectives of the Government and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for the same period.

According to the specialist, cited by Angop, the decentralization of powers is fundamental for the country's growth, which will be an opportunity for the meeting of other channels of growth and development of the national economy.

Another point defended by Alves da Rocha is the reduction of regional asymmetries. As an example, the CEIC director pointed out some Chinese regions that have autonomy, being decentralized among themselves in aspects such as attracting foreign investment.

For her part, the dean of the Catholic University of Angola, Maria da Assunção, considered that the study of forecasts up to 2027 highlights the implications of job creation over the next seven years.

According to the dean, also quoted by Angop, this forecast is a valuable tool for analysis and consultation, especially by the political power, having an impact on the economy, finances and development of national stability.

500 copies of the book, which contains 70 pages and is divided into five chapters, were made available on the market.

In addition to specific information about Angola, the manual also presents some world trends, the forecast of economic growth on a global scale, as well as the situation of economic development in the west and east.

Present at the launch event were the Minister of Finance, Vera Daves, the Secretary of State for the Economy, Milton Reis, deputies, members of the European Union, researchers, among others.

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