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TC dismisses proceedings relating to suspended UNITA activist

The Constitutional Court extinguished the action brought by UNITA activist, José Pedro Kachiungo, who declared, in turn, that the conflict with the main opposition party was ended “without resentment”.

: Facebook José Pedro Kachiungo
Facebook José Pedro Kachiungo  

José Pedro Katchiungo, who ran for party leadership in 2019, called for the annulment of three decisions by the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA), namely its preventive suspension from the Political Commission, in November 2021, the cessation of membership and a disciplinary process over alleged events that occurred in 2022, including "connection to expelled individuals who harass the party" and "participation in the inauguration of the President of the Republic.

In its counter-arguments, UNITA, despite not recognizing the legitimacy of the applicant for the action, which it considered to be in bad faith, declared that the militant's full political-party rights had been reestablished, after compliance with the sanction imposed on him.

In ruling no. 947/2024, released this Monday, the TC judges thus declared the action extinguished due to the fact that the applicant had achieved his goals "in full".

Lusa unsuccessfully tried to speak to José Pedro Kachiungo, who announced on Facebook the result of the challenge to UNITA's deliberations taken in 2021, 2023 and 2024 "due to violation of the statutes and the law", stressing that he resorted to judicial intervention with the TC in March 2024 after having "exhausted internal dialogue".

Declaring himself "satisfied" with the judgment, Kachiungo writes that from now on "the leaders of any political organization who want to use delaying devices such as lawsuits or disciplinary sanctions to subvert intra-party democracy or to restrict the political participation rights of their colleagues just because If they think differently, they will have to think twice."

It also says that the court clearly realized that it was being "the victim of illegal sanctions, which were applied to it with the sole purpose of preventing its participation in an elective congress" and took "good note" of the fact that UNITA had "corrected its errors".

Kachiungo states that his activism in UNITA "remains uninterrupted, consistent and irreproachable", stressing that he has not committed any violation of the statutes or the law and considers "this chapter of internal conflict to be over, without any resentment", showing himself available to cooperate with his companions "in strengthening democracy, internal cohesion and national unity".


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