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Young people protest on 23 January "against addictions" in the municipal package

A group of young people from civic organisations announced this Tuesday a demonstration for 23 January in front of the parliament "against the vices" of the municipal legislative package, demanding that it be approved in the first quarter of 2020.


The so-called "Young People for the Municipalities", who presented their position on the municipal process at a press conference this Tuesday, whose first elections are scheduled for 2020, demand that municipalities be held in the country's 164 municipalities.

According to Scoth Kambolo, coordinator of the Cazenga Platform in Action (PLACA), one of the promoters of the conference, the civic organisations made suggestions and proposals on the "various incongruities" contained in the municipal package and "had no backing from the authorities".

The suggestions and proposals "were previously handed over to the parliamentary groups, to the holder of the executive power, in April 2019, and so far have not had any return from these authorities, even though we are in the so-called new era", he said.

The young people, who have already demonstrated in April and August in front of parliament to alert the political class to the inclusion of citizenship in the municipal process, also disapprove of the "dilatory way" in which the municipal process has been treated in parliament.

For the leader of PLACA, who presented the joint position of the young people on the municipal process, the municipalities correspond to the return of power to the citizens, so he noted, they condemn "the partisan and rigidly institutional way in which the Ministry of the Territory is dealing with the municipal issue".

"From a legal and economic point of view, the importance of administrative decentralisation and the proximity of basic social services to citizens, which local authorities will provide," he said.

Local elections are scheduled for 2020, and in the discussions, the government advocates gradualism in the process, while the opposition wants municipalities in the country's 164 municipalities at the same time.

The organic laws on local elections and the organisation and functioning of local authorities and the law on the administrative supervision of local authorities are, so far, the three pieces of legislation already approved by the parliament of the 10 that make up the municipal legislative package.

The parliament has scheduled the first plenary session of 2020 for 23 January, and of the 12 points to be discussed there is none on the municipal legislative package.

Young people say that local and regional issues, which are "more fractious, should be resolved by party, parliamentary and extra-parliamentary leaders" instead of "confining such important issues to the plenary of a self-legitimising assembly".

The "Young People for the Municipalities" believe that the process should take into account the principles of universality and equality of the citizen, provided for in the Constitution, and hope that the legislative package will be approved in the first quarter of 2020.

"We appeal that on 23 January, while Members of Parliament are in the plenary session of the National Assembly discussing the various legislative proposals, we, the selfless citizens of that homeland, will be at the parliament's southern gate protesting against the vices of the municipal legislative package", they asked.

Laulenu, Moxico province, Agir Project, Cacuaco municipality, Luanda, PLACA, Cazenga municipality, Luanda, Mizangala Yenu, Bengo province, Okilunga, Huila province and the Núcleo de Boas Ações de Luanda are the civic organizations promoting the press conference and demonstration.

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