Ver Angola


Angola eliminates state monopoly on electricity transmission

The Government has decided to eliminate the State monopoly on the transmission of electricity to make private investment viable, with changes to the General Electricity Law, aiming at "rapid expansion" in the country and regional interconnection, it was announced this Thursday.

: Lusa

The information was transmitted by the Secretary of State for Energy, Arlindo Bota, noting that the proposed law amending the General Electricity Law, approved this Thursday by parliament in general, eliminates the State's absolute reserve regime in the transport segment of energy.

The proposed amendment aims to "guarantee the participation of the private sector in a public service concession regime", said the governor.

Speaking in parliament during the extraordinary plenary meeting, he highlighted that the changes to the diploma approved 18 years ago eliminate legal barriers to the initiative in the field of electrical energy transport and ensure the harmonization of regimes for access to economic activity.

Arlindo Bota highlighted that the changes in the electric energy law also seek to guarantee investments necessary for the rapid electrification of the country with lower public finance burdens, greater transparency and competitiveness of the electric energy market.

The legal instrument must also guarantee the plurality of economic agents in the field of electrical energy transmission, encouraging independent production.


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