Ver Angola


Syringes, saline solution and hospital generics will now be produced in the country

Three syringe, saline and hospital generics factories are expected to open in the country, as a result of the signing of a participation contract, which aims to develop the pharmaceutical industry in the aforementioned manufacturing units. Thus, these materials will be produced in Angola, which will save money with the reduction in imports of this type of product.

: Facebook Zona Económica Especial Luanda-Bengo
Facebook Zona Económica Especial Luanda-Bengo  

According to a statement from the Luanda-Bengo Special Economic Zone (ZEE), to which VerAngola had access, each year, Angola disburses around 300 million dollars to import these products.

"Every year the country spends more than 300 million dollars on importing these materials, which will now be produced here in the country, saving a large part of this amount from the State's coffers", the note reads.

The aforementioned contract, adds the note, was signed this Tuesday between ZEE and Jampur International FZE.

"The CEO of the Jampur International FZE group, Mohammad Shafiq, based in Dubai, and Manuel Francisco Pedro, PCA of SDZEE, signed this afternoon, November 28, a contract based on participation, the object of which is the development of the pharmaceutical industry in three factories, namely: syringe factory; saline solution and hospital generics", reads the ZEE statement.

According to the note, the event, which took place at the headquarters of the Ministry of Economy and Planning, was presided over by the Minister of Economy and Planning, Mário Caetano. Also present were the Secretary of State for Economy, Ivan dos Santos, members of the ZEE Board of Directors and the general director of INEFOP, Manuel Mbangui.

"With this contract, ZEE EP participates in the profits, and is exempt from losses or investment costs", the note reads.

According to ZEE, the contract now signed "represents an important gain in SDZEE's financial and social consolidation strategy", as it will make it possible to "materialize two major objectives", through the creation of jobs, and this "perspective of creating approximately 500 direct jobs".


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