Ver Angola


Angola wants to expand portfolio of projects financed by the World Bank with a focus on food security

The Minister of Planning, Victor Hugo Guilherme, during a meeting between the Angolan delegation that is participating in the Annual Meetings of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the Vice-President of the World Bank for Eastern and Southern Africa, Victória Kwakwa, expressed Angola's interest in expanding its portfolio of projects financed by the World Bank.


The focus is on food security, as, according to the minister, Angola needs "these resources to boost the value chain of the productive sector in search of food security, giving greater intervention to the private sector", says a statement from the Ministry of Planning, that VerAngola had access to.

The head of the Planning portfolio explained that when we talk about food security we are talking about "its entire value chain": "And when we talk about food security we are talking about its entire value chain, which goes from primary production, transport, storage, processing and trade, where the private sector plays a crucial role", he explained.

According to Victor Hugo Guilherme, the top priority is agriculture, which needs "technology and knowledge to increase production and productivity, which includes irrigation systems and fertilizer production".

"The transport sectors were also identified as priorities, especially the Lobito Corridor, where Angola identified a set of opportunities in terms of agriculture, logistics platforms, industrial hubs and tourism", reads the statement.

Among other infrastructures that were highlighted are energy transport "with the involvement of the private sector, especially in the connection lines of the electricity grids of Angola and Namibia".

On the occasion, roads were also highlighted as "a crucial element in supporting efforts to achieve food security by, among other benefits, facilitating the flow of production".

The minister also highlighted that the country "has human capital as the second pillar of the National Development Plan", therefore, "at the public sector level, training in project management is necessary, and in the private sector, training in entrepreneurship and preparation of bankable projects."

In turn, Victória Kwakwa reiterated the "alignment of Angola's priorities with the vision and objectives of the World Bank", having announced that the Budget Support Program, budgeted at 500 million dollars, "requested by Angola, was approved by the Bank" .

In turn, Vera Daves, Minister of Finance, took the opportunity to thank the "support that the World Bank has given to the country, not only financially, but also in terms of ongoing reforms that have ensured better management of resources".

Albert Zeufack, regional director of the World Bank for Angola (DRC, Burundi and São Tomé and Príncipe), speaking after the hearing, said that it was productive, as it allowed to clarify "how important Angola is to invest in people's education and how important it is to continue investing in agribusiness".

In another meeting held, this Monday, between Victor Hugo Guilherme and Vera Daves and Albert Zeufack, the "World Bank reiterated its support in the implementation of the priorities defined by the PDN 2023-2027 with particular emphasis on the pillars of food security and training of human capital", says the guardianship, in another note to which VerAngola had access.

The meeting was attended, in person and remotely, by more than 50 World Bank specialists who work on implementing projects in Angola and, according to Albert Zeufack, this large presence of his team "is very representative of the importance that the bank gives to Angola".


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