Ver Angola


State auctions off two 'Nosso Super' stores again. Public tender has already started

The two ‘Nosso Super’ stores that were ‘deserted’ from bids in the public tender held in 2021 will go to auction again. To this end, the Institute for the Management of State Assets and Participations (IGAPE) began, this Wednesday, the privatization process through an electronic auction of the aforementioned establishments, and interested parties must submit their applications by August 20.


In a statement to which VerAngola had access, IGAPE reported that, as part of the privatization program (Propriv), on July 31, it began the "privatization process via electronic auction of two 'Nosso Super' stores, which were deserted by bids in public tender no. 08/21".

This is a store located in Luanda and another in Cunene, namely 'Nosso Super NZamba III' (Luanda) and 'Nosso Super Ondjiva' (Cunene).

According to IGAPE, those interested in participating must submit their application on the electronic auction portal by 3:30 pm on August 20.

The electronic auction session will start on August 21, from midnight until 2:59 pm.

"The electronic auction for the privatization of the 'Nosso Super' stores is only open to individuals or legal entities that, under the terms of article 53 of Law no. 41/20, of December 23, on Public Contracts, meet the requirements of paragraph a) of article 31 and article 19 of Law no. 14/03, of July 18, on the Promotion of Angolan Private Business, as set out in the terms of reference", reads the statement.

Those interested in accessing the technical sheets, terms of reference and the visit plan can do so here.

"For more information, interested parties should contact us via the following e-mails:", IGAPE also indicates.


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