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ANPG signs production sharing contract for oil blocks

The National Oil, Gas and Biofuels Agency (ANPG) signed three production sharing contracts with private Angolan oil companies, Etu Energias and ACREP, for the operationalization of three onshore blocks, the concessionaire announced this Thursday.


According to the ANGP statement, blocks CON 2 and CON 8, in the Congo onshore basin, and KON 19, in the Kwanza onshore basin, were concessioned.

Etu Energias will operate the CON 2 block, with partners Effimax and Simples Oil, as well as the CON 8 block, also in partnership with Effimax, Simples Oil and Enagol, making up the contractor group.

The operationalization of block KON 19 was the responsibility of ACREP, with partners Afrenta and Enagol.

Regarding these contracts, the Minister of Mineral Resources, Oil and Gas, Diamantino Azevedo, cited in the note, said that the 2023-2027 Development Plan includes a set of programs and actions for the oil sector, foreseeing, among others, maintaining sustainability of oil production, monitor natural gas resources, achieve self-sufficiency in refined products and increase onshore storage capacity.

Diamantino Azevedo also highlighted that the Government has been implementing the oil and gas production and exploration strategy in the various existing sedimentary basins, both onshore and offshore.

"That is, moreover, why we are witnessing yet another signing of production sharing contracts, this time between the national concessionaire and two Angolan oil companies", said the official, encouraging the national business community to invest in this industry "which is capital intensive, but which transforms Angola's oil potential into revenue for the national economy, that is, for the good of all Angolans".

In turn, the chairman of the board of directors of ANPG, Paulino Jerónimo, said that these contracts are decisive for the economic and social development of the country and increase the presence of Angolan companies in the oil industry.

Paulino Jerónimo also highlighted that these contracts will also contribute to continuing to mitigate the natural decline in Angola's oil production.


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