Ver Angola

Banking and Insurance

BAI presents sustainable solutions at FILDA 2024

BAI – Banco Angolano de Investimentos S.A. (Open Society) is the official bank of the 39th edition of FILDA – Luanda International Fair, which takes place from the 23rd to the 28th of July in the Special Economic Zone (ZEE), under the motto: “The rescue of our identity as a factor in promoting national production”.


BAI's presence at the event is represented by a stand built with oriented wood strip panels (Oriented Strand Board), fully recycled, with LED lighting added and without any use of paper.

With this approach, BAI intends to take solid steps in the adoption of sustainable materials and demonstrate that it is possible to provide financial services with great impact, using environmentally friendly materials.

In terms of offer, the BAI stand offers account opening services, allocating multicaixa cards, updating account details, cash withdrawal services, with 14 ATMs and four deposit machines.

To complete the range of services, the blue line 924 100 100 will be presented, which will now be free of charge.

At the BAI stand there will be demonstrations of installation and adherence to the new BAI Directo.

The main change in this new version of BAI Directo is the separation into two distinct applications: one for individuals and the other for companies, with the aim of introducing more access and greater security.

Other advantages are the simplification of signing up and retrieving credentials, more fluid navigation and immediate access to the most frequent operations.

"Each contact with the bank must be simple and free customers to focus on their economic and social activities, which is why customers must now subscribe to the new version of BAI Directo, available in the official app store and play store", explained the director of Communication and Brand Management at BAI, Fábio Correia.


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