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Education officers want to restart classes only in September

The National Association of Parents and Education Managers Friends of Angolan Children considers that there are no biosafety conditions for the resumption of classes, due to covid-19, arguing that this should occur in September.


In a statement to Lusa, the president of the association, Manuel Diogo, said that "in principle, no school in Angola has biosafety conditions to house students because they are without protection 'kits' and drinking water.

The resumption of classes in the second cycle of secondary education in Angola is scheduled for 13 July and the first cycle of primary education on 27 July.

"In principle, no school at a national level is able to accommodate our children because there is a lack of drinking water in them, lack of dignified conditions for teachers and mass testing of teachers and administrative staff," he said.

For Manuel Diogo, who disagrees with the cancellation of the school year, the resumption of classes should take into account the evolution of the pandemic in the country, noting that the month of September would be ideal for safeguarding the health of students.

According to him, the resumption of classes should be preceded by disinfestation of all school institutions in the country and testing of teachers and school staff, a proposal that "so far has not had the approval of the health authorities".

"We demanded that the Minister of Health, together with the government team, at least disinfest all schools and test all teachers and administrative staff, but we have not had any positive endorsement and this worries us," he said.

Classes in general and university education in Angola were suspended in March before the President, João Lourenço, declared a state of emergency, which took place between 27 March and 25 May.

Angola, which has been in a state of public calamity since 26 May, has 315 positive cases of covid-19, 201 active, 97 recovered and 17 deaths.

The decree that determines a situation of public calamity foresees the resumption of activity in higher education and in the second cycle of secondary education from 13 July although "dependent on the evolution of the epidemiological situation".

According to the president of the National Association of Parents and Education Officers, all the proposals of the associates were presented on Thursday during a meeting with the Minister of State for the Social Area, Carolina Cerqueira.


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