Ver Angola


Private tuition ensures conditions for resumption of classes on 13 July

The Angolan National Private Education Association (ANEP) assured this Friday that there are conditions for the resumption of classes, scheduled for 13 July, and that the institutions "are being equipped" with biosafety material due to covid-19.

: Lusa

"We have conditions created for this, we have biosecurity conditions, ANEP has even signed a contract with several suppliers and we already have protection products that we are sending to the interior of the country as well," António Pacavira, president of ANEP, told Lusa.

According to the association leader, the process of equipping private schools with biosecurity material, especially schools, throughout the country is underway, stressing that "some are in 100 percent condition, others in 90 percent," but he assured that by 13 days he expects all conditions to be guaranteed.

If this does not happen, he argued that the start of classes in schools without conditions should be delayed.

The National Association of Private Education of Angola controls more than 1200 members, however, António Pacavira stressed, the distribution of biosecurity material "is also extended to non-affiliated schools".

Classes in general and university education in Angola were suspended in March before the President, João Lourenço, declared a state of emergency, which ran from 27 March to 25 May.

Angola, which has been in a state of public calamity since 26 May. The decree that determines a situation of public calamity foresees the resumption of activity in higher education and in the second cycle of secondary education from 13 July although "dependent on the evolution of the epidemiological situation".

With regard to ensuring that pupils are away from classrooms, the president of ANEP said that the national average in private education is 25 pupils per class and in this area "it was not difficult to provide a framework".

"As for distance, we had to reduce classrooms with 15 or 20 students depending on the size of the room, what we changed was the paradigm of schools with a full regime, where the student enters in the morning and leaves only in the afternoon, we divided into shifts", he concluded.

The resumption of classes in Angola continues to divide the opinions of those directly involved in the sector, the country and education officials, managers, teachers and authorities who are considering the return due to the daily increase of covid-19 cases.

For the university sub-sector and the second cycle of secondary education, the resumption of classes is scheduled for 13 July and for the first cycle of primary education for 27 July.


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