Ver Angola


New 200 kwanza banknote is already in circulation

The Kwanza 2020 series debuts this Thursday, with the entry into circulation of the new 200 kwanza banknote. In homage to the wonders and landscapes of Angola, this predominantly blue note was illustrated with the Black Stones of Pungo Andongo.


After the introduction of the first note, it will be necessary to wait until September 17th to be able to “meet” another new member of the Kwanza family. The new 500 kwanza banknotes are expected to enter into circulation on that date.

1000 kwanza banknotes follow on 1 October and 2000 kwanzas banknotes on 11 November. The 5000 kwanza banknotes will only be available in January 2021.

It is known that the new Kwanza series will have the same maintenance cost as the current one, carried out every four years.

Another novelty, much commented on, is the fact that it is only the face of Agostinho Neto that appears in the new notes, which exclude José Eduardo dos Santos.

The notes were illustrated with images of the natural wonders of Angola. In the 200 note there are the Black Stones of Pungo Andongo (Malanje), in the 500 the Fund of Tundavala (Huíla), in the 1000 the Morro Luvili (Huambo), in the 2000 the Serra da Leba (Namibe), and in the 5000 to Morro do Kulumbimbi (Mbanza Congo, Zaire).

The new banknotes will be safer, with features that make it difficult to counterfeit. They are made of polymer material (plastic) and present levels of less wear and deterioration, thus having more durability. They also have elements of high security such as a security thread, a watermark with the representation of the figure of the "Thinker" and a seal on the obverse with projection for the reverse of the note.

A statement from the National Bank of Angola to which VerAngola had access also mentions that the current notes (Series 2012) "continue to be valid and accepted as a means of payment, without restrictions, without the need to exchange or replace them with Series 2020. ". The regulator explains that the notes of the two series will circulate simultaneously and, after some time, only the new notes will circulate.


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