Ver Angola


Poverty Index is the subject of new training at INE

A group of 22 technicians from the National Institute of Statistics (INE) received virtual training on the preparation of the Multidimensional Poverty Index (IMP), according to the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).


In a note, the UNDP, which supported the training in collaboration with INE, under the aegis of the Ministry of Economy and Planning, said that the training was provided by the Oxford University Poverty and Human Development initiative (OPHI) .

The reinforcement of the training of these technicians takes place a year after Angola presented, for the first time, a measure of poverty, based on deprivations based on four essential dimensions, namely health, education, quality of life and employment, becoming the first country in Africa calculating the IPM.

"IPM looks at poverty beyond monetary and wealth metrics and focuses on the various overlapping deprivations people experience on a daily basis. For example, it assesses the proportion of poor people by region and the intensity of that poverty, ie how truly poor it's the poor people", underlines the note.

According to the document, some of the questions are, in addition to income, whether people are well nourished, whether they have access to clean water, whether they attend school or whether they have civil registration, essential data for decision-making on public policies for poverty reduction, both nationally and locally.

"In intensive online training, INE's 22 technicians and statisticians learned how to design an IPM, compute and analyze the data, using the Alkire-Foster method," the statement said.

The Angola IPM report released in 2020 revealed that the incidence of poverty at the national level is 54 percent, that is, more than five in ten people in Angola are multidimensionally poor, and that the incidence rate of multidimensional poverty in Angola rural area (87.8 percent) is more than double the incidence rate in urban areas (35.0 percent).

"It is worth mentioning that the COVID-19 pandemic has endangered, at a global level, the development of recent years, in more than one indicator, and Angola should not be an exception", highlights the document.

The United Nations organization believes that INE and the Government of Angola receive with this training "an excellent tool to measure, from time to time, the dimensions and progress achieved, and design, prioritize and adapt measures against poverty".

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