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Anti-drug institute needs 17.6 million dollars to build new centers

The National Institute for the Fight Against Drugs (Inalud), with only one help center for drug addicts, needs $17.6 million to build four new regional centos to serve 33,275 in need, it was announced Tuesday.


According to the director of Inalud, Ana Graça, the institute depends on the State Budget and has some partnerships, however, she does not know "if they will work".

In statements to the Lusa agency, Ana Graça said that the institution also intends to create day homes, with the aim of reducing the length of stay of patients in the center, which ranges from nine months to one year.

The responsible stressed that studies are underway at the mental health level with this objective, a "more modern" practice used worldwide.

"We are now trying to have the day homes, it's a new project that needs funding, but I'm sure it will work, because it's the best way to reduce hospitalizations," she stressed.

The country currently has one center, in Bengo province, which serves the entire country.

According to the director, the centers will be regional and the day homes are intended to be provincial.

The purpose of the day homes is to give support to the ambulatory system, to serve as a support for those who do not need hospitalization, where they can find various services, including training courses for their self-support.

The head of the Rehabilitation and Reinsertion of Drug Addict Department at Inalud, Adelina Kassoquele, said that many of the patients have no profession "and an unoccupied mind is a workshop for the devil.

"There we will occupy them every day, it's part of the occupational therapy, they will learn arts and crafts, we have a beautiful project for this inside the day houses, so that after six months he was treated, psychologically rehabilitated in the sense of the problem that brought him, which is drugs, and also learned some profession," she said.

For the construction and equipping of the 18 day homes a budget of 1.49 million dollars each was presented, and for the regional centers a budget of 4.41 million dollars for each of the four intended, with the first one expected to be installed in the province of Huambo, due to the ease and mobility of the other provinces to that central region of Angola.

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