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Judge Rui Ferreira ceases his duties as adviser to the Supreme Court

The Superior Council of the Judiciary (CSMJ) decided to partially grant the request of judge Rui Constantino da Cruz Ferreira and declare his “cessation of functions” as advisor to the Supreme Court (TS) of Angola.


According to resolution 3/21 of 3 June, published in Diário de República and which Lusa had access to, the decision was taken during an ordinary session of the CSMJ, which took place on the 19th of May.

Rui Constantino da Cruz Ferreira resigned as president of the TS in 2019, pointing to an alleged "intense campaign of lies" as being at the origin of his decision.

The resignation request was accepted, at the time, by President João Lourenço, who, in light of the Constitution, appoints and exonerates the presidents of the higher courts.

Alleged acts of "corruption and appropriation of assets" by a businessman were also accused, at the time, against Rui Constantino da Cruz Ferreira, by a group of civic and human rights activists who, in a petition to the CSMJ, asked for the judge's dismissal.

According to a letter from Rui Constantino da Cruz Ferreira addressed to his colleagues and closest collaborators, to which Lusa had access at that time, the decision was based on an "intense campaign of lies".

In the letter, the judge lamented the "intense and cruel campaign of lies, misrepresentation of facts, intrigues, slanders and insults" which he said had harmed his reputation and dignity, affecting his health and imposed "a sacrifice" on his family.

Rui Constantino da Cruz Ferreira, who in the era of former president José Eduardo dos Santos, served as president of the Constitutional Court, sworn in in 2017 to the current president, João Lourenço.

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