Ver Angola


The former head of the Military Intelligence and Security Services died

General Apolinário José Pereira, recently exonerated from the post of head of the Military Intelligence and Security Services (SISM) of Angola, died this Sunday "by sudden death" in Luanda, announced the Ministry of National Defense and National Veterans.


In a statement, the Government emphasizes the availability of General Apolinário José Pereira in the struggle for the conquest and preservation of Angola's independence, stressing that the military stood out "in the fulfillment of his duty".

Apolinário Pereira was one of the generals dismissed at the end of May by President João Lourenço, without explaining the reason for his dismissal.

The first dismissals took place on the same day that the Attorney General's Office (PGR) announced that a criminal process was underway "in which officers of the Angolan Armed Forces assigned to the House of Security of the President of the Republic, on suspicion of committing the crimes of embezzlement, withholding currency, criminal association and others", having been seized millions of dollars, euros and kwanzas.

One of those involved is the head of finance of the musical band of the Presidency of the Republic, Major Pedro Lussaty, who was arrested while carrying two suitcases loaded with 10 million dollars and 4 million euros, whose possession was not justified, while allegedly trying to withdraw the money from the parents.


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