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Lima Massano: Angola spends 200 million dollars per month to import food

Angola spends 200 million dollars per month on importing food items such as rice, sugar, chicken meat, wheat and cooking oil, said the Minister of State and Economic Coordination.


José de Lima Massano, who was speaking at the opening of the 3rd edition of the Angola Economic Outlook, said that Angola cannot continue to depend on external factors to achieve food self-sufficiency, also highlighting the effects on price stability.

Food imports, he stressed, have direct impacts on the dynamics of economic growth and the creation of jobs, but also on inflation, which depends on the behavior of food prices, which represent around 60 percent of the typical basket of products consumed. by Angolans.

"This scenario does not make sense in a country with resources and capacity to develop the agricultural sector", stated Lima Massano, highlighting that Angola can produce a large part of the products internally to meet the needs of the population.

The development of this sector has the potential to create jobs, boost agroindustry and generate foreign exchange resources, in addition to improving food security, he continued.

Lima Massano reported on the executive's measures aimed at the sector, including greater budgetary allocation for the Ministry of Agriculture, with an increase of more than 80 percent, credits for the agricultural campaign and guaranteed minimum prices for agricultural products.

In this regard, he said that prices and products for the 2024/2025 agricultural campaign will be announced in June.


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