Ver Angola


New canned meat factory has a Carrinho brand and promises 500 jobs and 10 thousand tons/year

Grupo Carrinho and Inalca Angola (Italian subsidiary of Inalca SpA) signed an agreement to build a canned meat processing factory in Luanda. The manufacturing unit will create approximately 500 jobs, as well as having a production capacity of 10 thousand tons per year.

: Imagem ilustrativa (Via Facebook Francisco Hatchitangui)
Imagem ilustrativa (Via Facebook Francisco Hatchitangui)  

The factory, which will have an "investment of more than 15 million euros", will initially focus on the production of canned meats (beef and pork), "subsequently dedicating itself to industrial processing and meat transformation", informed Grupo Carrinho, in a statement to which VerAngola had access.

To be implemented at Ex-Frescangol (owned by Inalca Angola), in Cazenga, the project will have an initial production capacity, per year, of 10 thousand tons of canned meat, in an initial phase to serve the local market and, later, regional.

In addition to boosting employability through the creation of jobs, which forecasts indicate that the unit will employ 500 people "when fully operational", the factory will also help reduce imports of canned meat and, in this way, "increase activity and the production of local farmers and meat producers, absorbing and valuing the raw material for their production".

Therefore, "the investment will reinforce the country's self-sufficiency and food security", "with special attention to the agri-food sector and the primary sector".

The partnership, the note says, aims to "enhance and boost local meat production", highlighting the two companies' commitment to "economic growth, sustainable development and employment for Angolans".

It should be noted that Inalca Angola has "partnerships with local farmers to raise cattle and pigs", aiming to increase the "number of partners in order to create a sustainable ecosystem" for the industry, while Grupo Carrinho operates in several sectors in the country, being the owner of the largest industrial park in Angola.


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