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Census 2024: more than 200,000 people apply to be field agents

During the recruitment process for field agents for the 2024 General Population and Housing Census, which took place between the 22nd and 27th of this month, the National Statistics Institute (INE) received more than 200 thousand applications. After this phase is completed, according to José Calengi, director of INE, the process of choosing census takers, supervisors, administrative assistants and technicians will begin this Wednesday.

: Expansão

In statements – cited by Angop – on the sidelines of the meeting of the Statistics Committee of the Southern African Development Community (SADC), to take place between 28 and 30 May, the director of INE said that the complications indicated by some competitors in accessing to the website were exceeded from the first day of the process, which allowed the desired number to be reached.

It should be noted that the census will start in approximately 50 days, namely on the 19th of July, and it is planned to recruit a total of 79,423 field agents, including 67,131 census takers and 12,292 supervisors. The census will be carried out throughout the country, covering national and foreign citizens living in the country or who are temporarily abroad, as well as accommodation units.

José Calengi also spoke about the meeting that is taking place until Thursday, having mentioned that this meeting will serve to analyze policy tools for regional statistics, data collection methods, etc., writes Angop.

Ivan Marques dos Santos, Secretary of State for Public Investment, pointed out the fact that the country is making significant progress with regard to the production of official statistics, highlighting, for example, the census of companies and establishments, the multiple and health indicators survey, etc.

He also pointed out the fact that Angola, through the National Statistical System, has made a commitment to putting SADC directives into practice in order to make the region's statistics more robust, as well as mentioning that the conclusion of the SADC statistics protocol, as it is a legal instrument, makes it possible to reinforce progress and innovation in the field of statistics at regional level, writes Angop.

The meeting's agenda also includes the analysis of topics related to National Accounts statistics, poverty, prices, agriculture, etc.


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