Ver Angola


Scouts walk from Luanda to Huíla to celebrate 30 years of the association

It will be for 25 days that the scouts will walk from Luanda to Huíla, as part of a pedestrian march that aims to celebrate 30 years of the Association of Scouts of Angola (AEA). With 20 defined stops, the march begins this Saturday, on a journey that has the city of Lubango as its final destination.

: Facebook Associação de Escuteiros de Angola - A.E.A
Facebook Associação de Escuteiros de Angola - A.E.A  

According to Mário Joaquim, member of the Angola Scouts Association, the match will take place at 6am this Saturday.

"Our walk will leave from Luanda to Huíla. We will leave on the 18th, at 6:00 am", said the person in charge, adding that the concentration point will be in the "parish close to the highway in Benfica".

Mário Joaquim warned that this walk requires preparation in physical, psychological and financial terms: "We ask all those interested in participating to be prepared physically, psychologically, spiritually and financially", he said, quoted by Rádio Nacional de Angola (RNA).

The association member said that the march aims to celebrate the organization's 30th anniversary.

"This walk is in honor of AEA's 30th anniversary and 30th anniversary of all the directors who are in fact also turning 30", he said, quoted by RNA.

Using its Facebook page, the association shared a poster alluding to the walk. "Walking for the AEA with chief Silvestre Vulumbue 'Bad Canhanga'", can be read on the poster, which in the description is accompanied by the question 'Are you ready?'.


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