Ver Angola


Scouting can be chosen as an extra-curricular activity in all schools in the country

The Ministry of Education and the Angolan Scouts Association signed this Friday a memorandum that aims to implement scouting in schools, in order to guarantee pedagogical occupation of students' free time.


The scouts aim to train children and teenagers as autonomous, responsible, committed and supportive young people, as well as to give greater strength to extracurricular activities both in public schools and in private education.

Pacheco Francisco, Secretary of State for Pre-school Education and Primary Education, stated that the values and principles of scouting can contribute to the recovery of moral and civic values both in schools and in communities.

Quoted by Angop, the person responsible recalled that the scouting association "is an institution with the purpose of education for life and which brings together children and young people, led by volunteer adults with the purpose of contributing to people's integral education, so that are capable of taking a constructive attitude in society".

He further explained that the protocol takes place at a time when the Government defines the importance of moral values in society as a priority. "The formalization of this partnership will guarantee the operationalization and implementation of scouting units in public and private schools nationwide", he said.

Kikas Machado, national head of the scouts, stated that the memorandum has come into force throughout the country, and schools that have created conditions can now begin to implement scouting in extra-curricular programs.

"We are satisfied with the signing of the document. We want to emphasize that the memorandum is not mandatory, but is for all schools that are interested in implementing the project", he detailed, quoted by Angop.

The official added that scouting/camping helps children develop another type of creativity, as well as solidarity.

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