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Government concerned about the proliferation of Churches and deviant actions

This Friday, the Minister of Culture expressed concern about the proliferation of Churches and the criminal and deviant behavior of some religious people more aimed at fleecing the faithful than at “solidarity and good customs”.

: Facebook Igreja Universal de Angola
Facebook Igreja Universal de Angola  

Speaking at the opening of the Forum on the Problem of the Religious Phenomenon in Angola, where several religious leaders from Christian churches in the country meet, Filipe Zau stated that "there are things that are getting in the way of invented culture" and there are aspects that must be repudiated, highlighting the role of Churches in moralizing societies and their historical contribution to education.

Angola is characterized by secularism, but respects freedom of worship and the social role of religious denominations, said the minister, considering Churches to be partners of the State in the pursuit of social projects and harmony and peace for citizens.

However, he expressed concern about "a considerable number of religious denominations, recognized and unrecognized, that take advantage of the faith and vulnerability of citizens for purposes contrary to religion" and that open factions that lead to the opening of new Churches and sects.

The government official also warned of "less noble and even deviant behavior, carried out by certain leaders, which have been denounced as true common crimes" and which have been presented to the authorities.

"These behaviors carried out by ordinary people lead us to infer that we are approaching a situation of social anomie, if we do not start to intervene now", he stressed, listing "regrettable situations" such as crimes of violence against children, lynchings, rapes, fetishism and murders, as an example of deviant social behavior practices.

Filipe Zau considered that religious confessions should be an "example of social conduct", but also noted the "exponential growth of religious sects that bring material damage and deformation" to Angolans.

"There are religious confessions, recognized or not, that, in the name of Christ, present deviant behavior, more aimed at plundering the faithful" to whom they promise that they will become rich from one day to the next, "instead of solidarity and good customs", alerted the person responsible for the supervision of religious affairs.

For Filipe Zau, "the material desire for greed ends up overriding the spirit of solidarity and Christian humility", contradicting religious principles.


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