Ver Angola


IGAPE opens competition to privatize CIF units

The tender to privatize the industrial units and logistics center of the China International Fund (CIF) is open from this Tuesday, informed the Institute for State Asset and Participation Management (IGAPE).

: Portal Angoline
Portal Angoline  

"From today, May 21, 2024, the tender limited by prior qualification is open, for the privatization, in the form of assignment of the right of exploration and management with option to purchase, of the CIF industrial units and CIF logistics center, located in the province of Luanda", reads the IGAPE statement, to which VerAngola had access.

Thus, among the assets to be privatized are the cement factory (CIF Cement) and logistics center (CIF Logística), which are located in the municipalities of Icolo and Bengo and Viana, respectively.

The beer factory (CIF Lowenda), in the municipality of Viana and the car assembly plant (CIF CSG Automóveis), in the municipality of Viana, are also among the units to be privatized.

Interested parties can submit their application until July 5th. "Applications must be submitted, from Monday to Friday from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm, until July 5, 2024", informs IGAPE.

The contract has an execution period of 10 years.

"The procedure program establishes a period of visits, so that the competitor can carry out the necessary surveys for a good assessment of the quality of the assets", informs IGAPE, which states that visits must be scheduled in advance via email, with the date on which the visit is intended and also the "number of participants for each interested entity, which cannot exceed five people".

You can obtain more information here.


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