Ver Angola


Authorized expenditure of six billion to requalify Hospital do Prenda. Unit will have an additional 100 beds

An expense of approximately six billion kwanzas intended for the requalification and expansion of Hospital do Prenda was authorized by the President of the Republic, João Lourenço. With this project, it is expected that the hospital infrastructure will have an additional 100 beds, that is, its capacity will increase from 250 to 350 beds.

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The Government, in a statement to which VerAngola had access, clarifies that the approved amount aims to increase the capacity and quality of services provided by the hospital unit.

"Hospital do Prenda, in Luanda, will be requalified and expanded with a budget of around six billion kwanzas, authorized by the President of the Republic, with the aim of increasing the capacity and quality of services provided to the population", reads if in the note.

Since 2002, the hospital unit has only benefited from "small restoration works", however, the current intervention has foreseen "an increase in capacity from 250 to 350 beds", as well as improving several essential services.

It should be noted that authorization for the aforementioned expense, as well as the opening of the simplified contracting procedure, based on material criteria, "was granted by Presidential Order no. 117/24 of 21 May".

"The amount of five thousand and seven hundred million kwanzas will be allocated to the improvement and requalification of the hospital, while three hundred million kwanzas will be used for inspection services", reads the statement.

The Minister of Health was delegated the authority to approve the parts of the procedure, as well as "verify the validity and legality of the acts carried out and conclude the necessary contracts".

The Ministry of Finance must guarantee the "indispensable financial resources" to implement these contracts.

It should be noted that this initiative is part of the National Development Plan 2023-2027, which aims to "implement and improve priority projects, with a substantial impact on medical and pharmaceutical assistance to populations".

The requalification of Hospital do Prenda – which in October 2023 was visited by the President of the Republic, João Lourenço – "is seen as a pressing need to guarantee a better provision of medical services to the population of Luanda and other regions of the country that use this institution", the note also states.


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