Ver Angola


Angola announces another 13 million dollars to electrify Lunda Norte

This Friday, the government inaugurated the Luachimo hydroelectric plant (Lunda Norte), which will benefit more than 10 thousand families, and announced an investment of around 13 million dollars (12 million euros) for the rehabilitation of a line 86 kilometres.

: Site Estamos Juntos
Site Estamos Juntos  

The rehabilitation of the high voltage line that connects the Luachimo hydroelectric plant to the municipality of Cambulo, which represents 11 percent of the population of that province, will end in February 2025, with 1500 household connections and 500 public lighting posts planned, according to Angop.

In a statement, the Ministry of Energy and Water said that the hydroelectric use of the infrastructure built in the 1950s, to supply electricity to the city of Dundo and nearby mining areas, includes a new hydraulic and central circuit with 34 megawatts of installed power, covering a population of around 10 thousand families.

"A project that arises within the scope of the objectives defined by the Angolan Executive that aims to guarantee the population's access to electricity and improve social conditions, as well as developing the agricultural and mining sector", highlights the statement.


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