Ver Angola


Government and company Off Grid Europe sign contract to supply and install solar system equipment

The Ministry of Energy and Water and the company Off Grid Europe signed a contract that aims to “supply goods and equipment, 60 thousand individual solar systems, for family use, and 2500 individual solar systems for institutional use”, informed the Ministry.

: Facebook Ministério da Energia e Águas
Facebook Ministério da Energia e Águas  

It was up to the director of the ministry's National Directorate of Renewable Energy and Rural Electrification, Serafim da Silveira, and the CEO of Off Grid Europe, Christiane Kragh, to sign the contract, the ceremony of which took place this Wednesday, at the ministry's facilities.

Thus, according to a statement from the Ministry of Energy and Water, to which VerAngola had access, the conclusion of the aforementioned contract will allow "the supplier Off Grid Europe to supply this equipment", to later be installed in the country, "namely in the provinces of Zaire, Uíge, Cuanza Norte and Malanje".

"These installations will be made in some public establishments, such as health centers, police stations, schools, among others", the statement said.


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