Ver Angola


Samakuva: national situation has deteriorated and may lead to “undesirable turmoil”

Former UNITA president Isaías Samakuva said on Friday that the socio-economic situation in Angola has deteriorated at a “frightening speed”, defending “more active and dynamic” measures by the authorities, under penalty of experiencing “undesirable turmoil”.


"It is interesting, if on the one hand the international situation itself is difficult, on the other hand the economic and social situation of our country has been deteriorating at a speed that is frightening and I am concerned about this situation", replied to Lusa the former-president of the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA).

Isaías Samakuva, who was the speaker at the first edition of the space "Reencontro com a História", promoted in Luanda by the Movement of Angolan Students (MEA), defended more active and dynamic measures by the government authorities to reverse the situation in the country.

For Samakuva, the country's leaders "are aware" of the degrading socio-economic condition of Angolans, "you can see that they are trying to do something", which, in his opinion, "is not enough".

"More active, more dynamic measures must be taken, many more people must be involved so that people feel that there is hope for a better tomorrow", he pointed out.

"Because if we continue as we are, we run the risk of later experiencing a phase of discontent that leads to undesirable turmoil at the moment", he warned.

Isaías Samakuva, who led UNITA for 16 years after the death of Jonas Savimbi in 2002, spoke for an hour and a half about his academic, military, diplomatic and political career at this meeting, to an audience filled with students and some deputies from the "maninhos".

Adalberto Costa Júnior, current president of UNITA and leader of the party's list in the general elections of August 2022, in which the MPLA, in power since 1975, was declared the winner and UNITA won 90 seats in parliament, almost double the previous elections.

Speaking for the first time about the results of the 2022 elections, Samakuva said that they reflect the "discontent" of the people who "want change in the face of the failure" of the policies of the MPLA (Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola).

"Therefore, there is clearly a will and desire to change, people are tired, citizens are tired, they can't take it anymore, so if in fact things don't change there is no doubt that UNITA, even with fraud, in the next election can win," he shot.

Asked whether UNITA, the party he led between 2003 and 2019, is prepared to be in power in Angola, Isaías Samakuva said that "it just needs an opportunity", criticizing the presence of the MPLA in power for almost half a century, a period in which the situation of the country "is only getting worse".

"Therefore, what is more logical is to ask if the MPLA is fit to govern, it is the most logical question, I would even say that it would be a patriotic duty of the MPLA to say that we will still give opportunity to others and we will see (...). We have to give this opportunity", he defended.

Regarding his relationship with Adalberto Costa Júnior, his successor in office, Samakuva, now 76 years old, denied the existence of any problems and guaranteed that it is great.

"We have a relationship that we've always had, our relationship is not new, I always had my partner Adalberto with me, just the day before yesterday we had a long conversation, we shared ideas about the party, about the country, about our future, so we don't there are problems between us," he assured Lusa.

He also devalued the alleged intention of the current UNITA leadership to "obscure" its image within the party association, considering that in Angolan society "there is a lot of talk and often without bases".

"This is the opinion of others, mine has not been heard yet, my opinion is not where I am going to express it, because it can be offered for various interpretations, but those who speak can speak, we need to have bases and foundations to make any statement", shot.

Samakuva, a career diplomat, especially in the Jonas Savimbi era, also welcomed the MEA's initiative: "It's good that young academics meet and reflect on the country's history and on other aspects".

"So, instead of being around the glasses it's good to lose a few minutes in activities like these, so I'm glad to see that there are initiatives like this", he concluded.

The UNITA politician was also honoured, on the occasion, with songs and a diploma of honour, for his contribution to "pacifying the country", as said by the president of the MEA, Francisco Teixeira.


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