The information was advanced this Wednesday by the national director for rural development, Allan Varela, at a press conference in which he took stock of the public tenders for the acquisition of 500 vehicles, of the 4x4 type, and for GPS fleet management.
Allan Varela said that the tender, for national and foreign bidders, was opened on the 1st of this month, taking into account that 80 percent of the vehicles that operate in this segment are almost obsolete, and will end this Wednesday.
So far 38 candidates have come forward, with priority to be given to operators in the market.
The vehicles will be acquired through a reverse auction, that is, the most economically viable proposal, under 40 million kwanzas, which will take place on June 8.
"It will be a cost subsidized by the State (...) it is a huge percentage that the State will be subsidizing, therefore, it is necessary some rigor from the operators, because it is a great opportunity that the State is giving", said Varela.
The values to be reimbursed will be destined to the investment in micro-credit, being "important that this instalment is honored by the operators".
According to the official, the vans, with capacity for 6.5 tons, will be distributed to the seven pilot provinces of Kwanza Sul, Kwanza Norte, Malanje, Benguela, Bié, Namibe and Huambo (each with 33), Luanda (47), Huíla and Uíge (31 each), and the remaining regions of the country with 20 vehicles each.
The same source added that it already has 485 candidates, who are competing for operators of these means until June 15, and it is foreseen that the winners will benefit from training by the Institute of Support to Small and Medium Enterprises (Inapem).
"We have until the 15th of June the competition at the level of the applications that the provinces are presenting, through the provincial governments. The analysis period is from June 16th to July 15th and the training period for the operators is from July 16th to July 31st, with the support of Inapem. It is the Government's intention that in the first fortnight of August the distribution of these vehicles will take place", he emphasized.
For the tender for the GPS fleet management service, 22 applications have been submitted so far, and the auction will take place on June 9.
"The expectation of the Government is that the vehicles fulfill their purpose, in order to potentiate the outflow, because it is a tremendous challenge of the executive to diversify our economy. We want to diversify what is exported and what is imported, the great expectation is that the chain between production and consumption is complete", referred Allan Varela.