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Remittances by Angolans in Portugal fall 0.43 percent in first quarter

The remittances sent by Angolans in Portugal decreased slightly in the first quarter of this year, from 2.32 million euros to 2.31 million, which represents a small decrease of 0.43 percent, contrary to the evolution of the amounts sent to their countries of origin by Lusophone workers in Portugal, which rose 0.42 percent in the first quarter (from 9.43 to 9.47 million euros).


In the opposite direction, remittances from Portuguese workers in Angola fell from 45.34 million euros in the first three months of last year to 42.55 from January to March this year, decisively influencing, as usual, the figures for remittances from the group of Portuguese-speaking African Countries (PALOP), which posted a drop of 5.69 percent.

Remittances from emigrants fell 3.82 percent to 843 million euros in the first three months of this year, according to Bank of Portugal data, which shows a drop of 6.15 percent in remittances sent from Angola.

According to Bank of Portugal data consulted Thursday by Lusa, on an overall level, in the first three months of last year, Portuguese emigrants sent 876.4 million euros, while this year that figure stood at 843 million euros, representing a drop of 3.82 percent.

On the contrary, remittances sent by foreigners in Portugal rose 4.5 percent, from 118.8 million euros in the first three months of 2020, to 124.3 million from January to March this year.

Remittances from Portuguese emigrants in Angola fell 6.15 percent in the first quarter of this year in comparison to the same period last year, almost double the overall drop of 3.82 percent.

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