The holder of the Health portfolio, who was speaking at the opening of the 73rd Assembly of the World Health Organization (WHO) by videoconference, called on the various countries of the world to unite so that action against the virus can be coordinated and thus ensure a more effective response.
In her speech, Silvia Lutucuta also asked for help from the WHO to reduce the spread of the virus in Angola. The mass testing of covid-19 and the strengthening of the border surveillance system were some of the challenges pointed out by the Health portfolio holder, who asked the WHO for help to overcome them.
The measures adopted by the country soon after the outbreak was identified on the African continent - such as the closure of borders, prohibition of commercial and private flights, implementation of compulsory institutional and home quarantine, surveillance of suspicious cases, among others - helped to control the spread of covid-19 in Angola, he admitted.
According to the Ministry of Health, the minister also "presented the contributions to the draft resolution on the response to covid-19, submitted and agreed by the representatives of the countries in Geneva, as well as the statements presented by the African Group and Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) and the deliberations proposed by the Executive Council of the WHO".