Ver Angola


Number of dead caused by the rains in the capital rose to five

The death toll as a result of the heavy rains that fell on Tuesday morning in Luanda has risen to five, three children and two adults, the Provincial Commission for Civil Protection and Firefighters announced this Wednesday.


According to firefighters, the heavy rains that fell on the capital also flooded more than 2000 homes and left more than 1500 families out in the open, especially in the municipalities of Belas, Cacuaco, Viana and Cazenga.

Preliminary data advanced on Tuesday point to the registration of three deaths.

Authorities continue to survey the damage caused by Tuesday's rains, which left several public and private institutions flooded and streets impassable.

The National Institute of Meteorology and Geophysics (Inamet) forecasts light rains for the next few hours in some of the nine municipalities in the province of Luanda.


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