Ver Angola




United States of America in the spotlight on day four of FILDA

The United States of America (USA), as well as the insurance company Sanlam and the holding of conferences on various topics are the highlights of the fourth day of the 39th edition of the Luanda International Fair (FILDA), which began last...


Oil exports rise and are worth 8.1 billion dollars

Angola exported 96.8 million barrels of crude oil in the second quarter, 0.56 percent more compared to the previous quarter, and raised 8.1 billion dollars, according to the Government.


President of CCIPA highlights investment in “strategic pillars” for Angola’s sustained growth

João Luís Traça, president of the Portugal-Angola Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIPA), considered that the tourism, agriculture, education and infrastructure sectors “represent fundamental pillars for the sustained growth of Angola”,...

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