According to a statement from the ministry, which VerAngola had access to, the future hospital unit will have a capacity of 200 beds for hospitalization, with various medical specialties, such as emergency services, dialysis, etc.
"The Regional Military Hospital of Huambo will have a capacity of 200 beds for hospitalization, with various medical specialties, such as emergency services, dialysis, rehabilitation, obstetrics, operating rooms, diagnostic area and laboratories", reads the note.
The guardianship also informs that the "construction set, equipping, training and technical assistance" of the hospital unit will be built in a period of 60 months and "will be built in an implantation area of approximately six hectares".
In addition, the note also points out that the construction of the hospital is expected to "include more than 750 jobs for the population of Huambo province".
On the occasion, the Secretary of State – quoted in the communiqué – stressed that "this task is part of the national development plan, inserted in the National Defense sector, which aims to create conditions for the improvement of medical and medication conditions for the soldiers of the Armed Forces. Angolan Armed Forces and their families".
In turn, the provincial vice-governor for the Infrastructure and Technical Services area, Helmano Francisco, highlighted that "this will be a gain for the entire province of Huambo, because the military hospital will not only serve the military, but also for the civilian population assigned to the Ministry of National Defense Former Combatants and Veterans of the Homeland and of the Angolan Armed Forces".