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Real Estate

Executive will provide more than 9000 social houses this year

Ana Paula de Carvalho, Secretary of State for Public Works and Spatial Planning, revealed that the government will provide a total of 9450 social housing units this year. According to her, many of the construction works of the houses, which will be spread throughout several provinces of the country, are already almost concluded.


The Secretary of State for Public Works and Spatial Planning said that the houses, which will be provided as part of rehousing programmes, are being built in the provinces of Luanda, Huambo, Benguela, Malanje, Cabinda, Cunene, Uige and Bié.

The initiative will give priority to families that have had to leave areas where other projects are being implemented, said the official, who was speaking Thursday at the end of a meeting of the Commission for Social Policy of the Council of Ministers. After this phase, the remaining houses will be attributed to the people who apply for the process, she added.

The capital will be the province that will benefit the most from this initiative. According to the official, cited by Angop, a total of 4,000 houses are being built in the Sequele area, in Luanda. Of these 4,000 houses, 1,800 are already being concluded.

Cabinda is followed by Cabinda with 3000 houses and the provinces of Bié, Moxico and Uíge with 500 houses each. Cunene will be contemplated with 450 new houses, he said, without revealing how many houses are being built in the provinces of Huambo, Benguela and Malanje.

Regarding the provinces of Bié, Moxico and Uíge, she announced that most of the houses are almost ready, only the electricity and water connections are missing.

She also made known that the Government will soon open raffles for the sale of houses in the several centralities. Without advancing dates, Ana Paula de Carvalho, indicated that the next houses to be delivered are the centralities of Praia Amelia and 5 de Outubro, in Namibe. Later on the houses of the centralities of Baía Farta and Lobito, in Benguela, and Caála, in Huambo will be raffled off.

He also indicated that after clarifying the ownership of some properties, studies are underway for the rehabilitation of some buildings that were vandalized and said that for now the allocation of houses in projects such as KK5800 and Zango 0 is conditioned by the completion of works of drainage of wastewater and rainwater.


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