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Real Estate

EGTI makes available more than 1000 plots for self-building. Zungueiras and domestics with primacy in the process

The Infrastructure Land Management Company (EGTI) will make available more than 1000 plots of land to be sold, starting this year, for home construction. The marketing process, according to Pedro Canga Cristóvão, president of the board of directors of EGTI, will give priority to maids and zungueiras, taking into account "their social and financial conditions".


"In this process of preparing these lots, special attention will be given to women street vendors (known as zungueiras) and domestic workers, judging by their social and financial conditions," explained the official.

The EGTI will make available a total of 1116 lots, located in the outskirts of the centralities of Kilamba, Sequele, among other areas of the country.

According to Pedro Canga Cristóvão, cited by Angop, the company will invest 19 billion kwanzas in the project. This fund, still composed of provisional values, results from the raising of funds through the commercialization of spaces for self-building aimed at commerce between 2019 and 2020.

The official did not reveal what the price per square meter will be nor the dates for the sale process. However, he explained that the criteria that are being drawn up have the support of some women's organizations.

He also revealed that, for now, about 80 percent of the requests are for self-construction and the remaining 20 percent are to move forward with the construction of commercial spaces, churches, among others.

"There is a strong interest in the acquisition of land for the construction of family housing and for businesses," he said, adding that between seven and 15 requests have been registered daily.

For the responsible, these numbers show that the country's real estate sector is degraded.

Applications will be made online or directly at EGTI headquarters. For more information see EGTI's website or Facebook.

The responsible still revealed that EGTI wanted, in 2020, to have advanced with the infrastructure of 115 lots in Luanda, of which 100 for housing, but due to the covid-19 pandemic it had to suspend the deadlines. The actions are now on schedule for 2021 and, according to Pedro Canga Cristóvão, EGTI plans during the first half of this year, to put up for sale all the infrastructured land that it has in its charge near the centralities of Lunda Norte, Huambo, Bié, Uíge, Namibe and Benguela.

"We intend to open the commercialization of land at the country level, under the custody of the Company for Infrastructure Land Management," he said.

The infrastructure of the land envisages paving the ground in asphalt, street lighting, sidewalks, sewer connection, and afforestation.

The cost of the infrastructures of the centralities, their location and the market value will influence the price of the EGTI's infrastructed land, he said, admitting the possibility of payment in installments.

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