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Government receives 25,000 dollars for training PPP staff

The Government received a donation of US $ 25,000 from the African Development Bank to finance training of central administration staff in the field of public-private partnership (PPP) contracts.


According to the Secretary of State for Planning, Milton Reis, the online training on public-private partnerships, promoted by the African Legal Support Facility (ALSF), will take place from the 1st to the 5th of March.

The African Legal Support Facility is an institution of the African Development Bank (AfDB) group, which is dedicated to providing legal advice and technical assistance to African countries, developing innovative training and knowledge management tools, said the minister.

The main focus, according to Milton Reis, will be the processes that involve contracting PPP projects that are expected to be negotiated, "safeguarding the public interest, with the target audience: technicians from the areas of public procurement, from legal offices and the study, planning and statistics offices of the 21 ministerial departments".

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