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Regional Cassava Leadership Center cost around five million and should start up by March

Construction work on the Cassava Regional Leadership Center has been completed. Built in the province of Malanje, the project cost around five million dollars and is expected to be operational by March of this year.

: Lusa

The information was given by the project coordinator, engineer Moniz Mutunda: "The physical part is complete. The center was budgeted at approximately five million dollars."

According to the person in charge, issues related to electricity and equipment currently need to be addressed.

"We have a deficit for the energy connection and the patio paving, which is why the works have not yet been completed. There is a type of cable that was not found on the market in time and it was only last month that they managed to find these cables, which have not yet been paid for to connect the grid power", said the coordinator who, quoted by Rádio Nacional de Angola (RNA), added: "I think we will have an extension until June and we can say that by March we will be able to start the center."

According to RNA, this center will contribute to the development of research and technology processes to improve the quality and increase the productivity of cassava and other crops.

"Component one is the generation and dissemination of technology. Creating agricultural technologies for cassava, corn, rice, legume crops, all crops, at the level of research and other transversal technological packages, in the case of plant health, in the case of soils and climate and that can help producers to increase productivity and income and this will influence the increase in crop production in Angola and in the region", said the engineer, quoted by RNA.

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