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More species and better conditions attracted more than 6000 visitors to Iona National Park

The administrator of Iona National Park, Sango dos Anjos Carlos de Sá, revealed that, since the new tourism support infrastructure began operating in May last year, more than 6000 tourists have passed through the park. But it is not just the improvement of the park's conditions that attracts the most curious: the repopulation of species, such as the giraffe, is also a factor that attracts visitors to the park.

: Facebook Parque Nacional do Iona
Facebook Parque Nacional do Iona  

The species repopulation program is progressing positively, he said, explaining that, in addition to repopulating the giraffe population in the region – which had not existed for several decades –, a feasibility study was conducted for the reintroduction of three historical species of this park: black rhino, lion and elephant.

But it is not just these species that are intended to be reintroduced into the park. Speaking to Angop, Sango dos Anjos Carlos de Sá said that they also intend to reintroduce the plains zebra.

Still in the field of species populations, the person responsible highlighted the fact that it is necessary to reinforce the black-faced impala population, which is a subspecies that is only present in the country in the Iona park and is quite vulnerable, given that its habitat faces intense pressure from human action because of communities.

As for the tourism component, the administrator informed that, this year, operational conditions for management were created, highlighting the fact that greater investment is needed in infrastructures that support tourist activity, writes Angop.

He also informed that fees are already being charged according to the decree regarding access fees to environmental conservation areas, but did not specify the amounts obtained.

"The park has 170 employees, of which 72 are allocated to the inspection service (among ex-military and wildlife monitors recruited from local communities) duly trained", said the administrator, who, cited by Angop, also made it known that the park has a tourism development service functioning in terms of reception and guidance on terrain conditions.


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