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European Union to finance poverty reduction projects in the country

The FRESAN project, financed by the European Union, will provide 14.6 million euros to finance projects by civil society organizations, poverty reduction and vulnerability to food and nutritional insecurity, was announced.


According to a note from the Portuguese Cultural Center to which Lusa had access, the FRESAN Project - Strengthening Resilience and Food and Nutritional Security in Angola, partially managed and co-financed by the Camões institute, opened applications until March 30 for the co-financing of organizations civil society.

The amount made available of 14.6 million euros will subsidize actions to sustainably strengthen food and nutrition insecurity in the provinces of Cunene, Huíla and Namibe.

"The invitation is divided into two lots for a maximum grant of 1,500,000 euros per project in each lot", the note refers.

For the first batch, it is foreseen to subsidize activities focusing on pastures and including non-timber forest products, processing, preservation and transformation of food products, channels and networks for marketing and food reserves.

Lot two refers to activities focused on water and including prevention and management of malnutrition.

The FRESAN project has already supported nine projects, worth 10,019,917 euros, in the three previous editions.

"The initiative is part of a joint effort between the European Union and the Government of Angola to promote the resilience of communities affected by drought and threatened by the effects of climate change in southern Angola, giving opportunity to civil society organizations, according to the their areas of action, experience and the needs of the communities in which they intervene, to present proposals to support the improvement of food and nutritional security ", the note emphasizes.

FRESAN aims to contribute to the reduction of hunger, poverty and vulnerability to food and nutritional insecurity in Cunene, Huíla and Namibe, mainly through strengthening resilience and sustainable family agricultural production, improving the nutritional situation of families and supporting development capacity in institutions.

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