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Police Commander General criticizes ex-military protests

The commander general of the National Police appealed to the ex-military, who have been waiting for several years for a position in the police, to stop protesting, considering this behaviour "negative" for entry into that force.


"Stop protesting. If you behave like this, it is already a negative requirement to enter the police", said Paulo de Almeida, who was speaking this Tuesday at the general graduation, in which he congratulated the performance of the National Police staff in 2019.

Paulo de Almeida said that the framing of former Angolan Armed Forces officers in the police is a guideline for those who have completed mandatory military service.

According to the general commander of the Nation Police, the insertion of ex-military personnel into the police is not automatic, nor is it a transfer, but it follows mechanisms and processes of ascertainment and selection.

In 2019, ex-military personnel, who since 2014 were demobilized from the Angolan Armed Forces, held two demonstrations in Luanda, to demand their integration into the National Police, and another protest occurred last December in the province of Huambo, with the same purpose.

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