Ver Angola


Vinevala Farm invests in the production of bread with local flour and opens a bakery capable of producing 5000 loaves of bread per day

The production of bread with local flour is the latest venture by the Vinevala farm, which opened a bakery in Bié, with capacity to produce 5000 loaves of bread per day. Named ‘Ombolo Yofeka’ (translated into English meaning ‘Bread of the Earth’), the project involved an investment of around 100 million kwanzas and provided approximately 20 jobs for young people.

: Facebook Governo da Província do Bié
Facebook Governo da Província do Bié  

The recently opened bakery, which is an initiative of the Vinevala farm, will use the wheat flour produced by the said farm to produce bread.

According to a statement from the government of Bié, to which VerAngola had access, "in the first phase, 'Ombolo Yofeka' employed more than 20 young people, responsible for the production of more than 5000 loaves of bread daily".

On the occasion, the young people who found their first job "praised the private sector", as well as the government "for facilitating the emergence of projects of this kind that aim to raise the standard of living of families".

The project is located in Cuito and had "its own financing in the order of 100 million kwanzas".

On the occasion, the provincial director of the Integrated Economic Development Office, Figueiredo Canguende, highlighted the importance of the project "in reducing unemployment and raising revenue for the State".

The bakery opened its doors last Tuesday and, according to the provincial government's statement, "lives up to the objectives of the Angolan Executive aimed at the country's economic diversification".

It is worth remembering that, in July this year, the President of the Republic, João Lourenço, was in the province of Bié, where he visited the Vinevala farm and witnessed the beginning of the harvest of wheat produced on a large scale on that farm.


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