Ver Angola


'Sabores de Angola' voted the best African recipe book in the world

The book 'Flavors of Angola. Hand in hand with Fazenda Girassol', written by M. Margarida Pereira-Müller and illustrated by Policarpo Brito, won the 'Best African Cookbook in the World' award at the Gourmand World Cookbook Awards.


Founded in 1995 by Edouard Cointreau and with 205 participating countries, the Gourmand World Cookbook Awards is the only international competition for gastronomic culture content. Every year, the best books, printed or digital, as well as television and social media content are distinguished. The competition is free and open to all languages.

This year, the Gourmand awards ceremony was organized by the Saudi Feast Food Festival, the largest of its kind in the Middle East. Organized by the Saudi Commission for Culinary Arts of the Ministry of Culture, the Festival brought together hundreds of thousands of visitors and gastronomic culture professionals from 70 countries on five continents.

The book 'Flavors of Angola. Hand in hand with Fazenda Girassol' tells the story of Angola, talking about its cuisine. Population movements, Portuguese colonization, the presence of foreign forces in the country. "Angolan cuisine can be considered a true fusion cuisine based on Angolan ethnicities, largely influenced by Portuguese cuisine. Nowadays, there are other influences, especially in big cities, where globalization has also arrived", says a statement sent to VerAngola.

A pioneer in Angola in the production of various products, namely aromatic herbs and leaves, Fazenda Girassol, founded in 2003, was associated with the book.

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