Ver Angola

Banking and Insurance

Governor clarifies that BNA has not received, “for now”, merger requests from commercial banks

The National Bank of Angola (BNA) said that it has not received, “for now”, any request for mergers from commercial banks, believing that by the end of December the missing banks will adjust their share capital to that legally required.


The governor of the BNA, Manuel Tiago Dias, stated this Tuesday that the issue of the three banks that have not yet completed the increase in their share capital (15 billion kwanzas) within the stipulated deadline was addressed at the last meeting of the Policy Committee Monetary and that the moratorium until December 31st was accepted by the institution.

“Practically all banks have already complied, we have two financial institutions that are in the phase of being acquired by a third and, for this purpose, they asked us for a moratorium and another financial institution that, for reasons that are also known, its shareholders They also asked us for a moratorium and we responded favorably to the requests made to us”, he replied to journalists, without further details.

The Russian bank VTB, the South African Standard Bank Angola and the Bank of China branch in Luanda are the three institutions of the Angolan banking financial system that must adjust their share capital by the end of the year, in light of BNA guidelines.

Manuel Tiago Dias, who was speaking on the sidelines of the XII Economy and Finance Forum: Economic Diversification and Financial Markets, said he believes that the institutions in default comply with the regulations within the framework of the moratorium.

“We believe that at the end [of the deadline] all financial institutions will comply with all regulations”, he said, noting that the central bank has not received, “so far”, any request for mergers.

“We have not received requests for a merger for now, but we do not exclude that this could happen. In any case, it is a decision that must be taken by shareholders”, he argued.

Asked about the flooding in ATMs (automatic payment terminals), Manuel Tiago Dias said it was an “extremely worrying issue, not just for the BNA, but for the banking system as a whole”.

He considered that floods normally occur at the end of each month and also at the beginning of the following month and coincide with the payment of salaries, pointing to the deconcentration of salary payments as a mechanism to stop the phenomenon.

The deconcentration of salary payments, he noted, is already taking place at the level of the BNA and other institutions, but, "unfortunately", the same does not happen in the case of public servants, "who represent around 40 percent of the salary mass”, he said.

“Unfortunately, this always happens at the end of the month and we also have to invest in new payment instruments and here digital can also contribute to reducing floods, because there are operations that can be carried out using a cell phone and we don't need to go to an ATM. ”, concluded the person responsible.


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