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Luanda Provincial Government suspends contract with cleaning operators

The government of Luanda province suspended the existing contract four years ago with six cleaning and waste collection operators for inability to support payment in national currency, indexed to the dollar.


In a press conference, the governor of Luanda province, Joana Lina, said that four of the six operators will continue to provide service until the last day of this year, while the rest have already paralyzed their activities.

According to Joana Lina, cited by Angop, the contracts were signed in dollars, at the exchange rate of the day, and the government is currently unable to meet this obligation, having an accumulated debt of over two million kwanzas, a commitment that will be met in due course.

Joana Lina said that a provincial government team is certifying the amount in question for validation, pointing out that the rules of contracting will be updated, with the exclusion of payment in foreign currency being one of the main differences.

Until new hires are made, the cleaning and solid waste collection work until the first half of January will be guaranteed by the municipal and district administrations and the four companies that are available to collaborate.

The governor considered that the creation of youth cooperatives should be considered and encouraged, to do the work of solid waste collection in the new centralities and in the urban hull, in order to reduce operational costs and improve the environment in the capital city.

Luanda produces 6800 tons of waste daily and the operators have collection capacity of only 60 percent.

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