Ver Angola


Angola's vision on how to improve the fight against corruption presented in Austria

The country is sharing, in Vienna, Austria, its vision on how to improve the implementation of the United Nations (UN) Convention against Corruption.


It is up to a national delegation to share this vision, which is being presented in the second part of the 15th Summary Session of the Review Group on the Implementation of the UN Convention against Corruption, which began this Monday at the Viana International Centre.

According to the Government, in a statement to which VerAngola had access, the invitation extended to Angola to participate in this event, as a speaker, "reflects the international recognition of the country's ongoing efforts in the fight against corruption and in the promotion of transparency and good governance".

In addition, Angola's presence is also "a valuable opportunity to share its experiences and learn from the best practices of other countries, thus reinforcing the country's commitment to the eradication of corruption".

It should be noted that in recent years, the country has been implementing a series of significant reforms, with a view to strengthening its institutions and ensuring "integrity in the public sector, with emphasis on legislative reforms, the strengthening of transparency, accountability mechanisms and international cooperation".

Thus, the statement adds, at the event, the national delegation is presenting the country's vision on "procedures and methodology for the next phase of the review mechanism and for improving the instruments for monitoring and following up on the implementation of the United Nations Convention Against Corruption".


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