Ver Angola


Authorities announce second case of Mpox in Luanda

The Ministry of Health announced this Thursday that the country registered the second case of Mpox in a child under two years old, already undergoing treatment at the Specialized Center for Treatment of Epidemics and Pandemics (CETEP), in Luanda.

: WHO/Guerchom Ndebo (Via: Facebook World Health Organization African Region)
WHO/Guerchom Ndebo (Via: Facebook World Health Organization African Region)  

According to doctor Rosa Moreira, from the national directorate of Public Health, who provided the information to Rádio Nacional de Angola, this is a 2-year-old female child, daughter of the first case reported last Saturday.

"Both cases are clinically stable under the care of CETEP's Mpox management team," said the doctor, asking the population to remain calm and take extra care with prevention measures, such as frequent hand washing.

The first case of the disease was registered in a 28-year-old Congolese woman, whose contacts are also under observation in that hospital unit.

The disease, also known as 'Monkeypox', manifests itself through fever, headache, muscle pain, joint pain, enlarged lymph nodes and generalized skin rashes (spots, lesions or blisters on the skin) or lesions on mucous membranes.

It is transmitted from person to person, through close contact with secretions, through contact with skin lesions of an infected person or with contaminated objects and surfaces.

The incubation period for the disease varies from five to 21 days.


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