Speaking to the Lusa agency, Zola Bambi said that the divergence regarding the presence of a photographer, as had been requested, was overcome, but was made unfeasible by the Attorney General's Office (PGR), leading to the suspension of the re-examination of the body of Inocêncio de Matos last week.
The lawyer said that the complaint “in view of this positioning” was granted, and an autopsy was authorized according to what had been previously requested, that is, with the presence of a photographer.
“This last dispatch raised all the obstacles that they had imposed”, he underlined, adding that “in order not to create addictions” in the process, a photographer was requested by the National Criminalistics Laboratory.
The photographer appointed by the family may also take pictures before the forensic procedure.
Inocêncio de Matos, a 26-year-old student, died on November 11, the day that Angola's independence is celebrated and hundreds of young people took to the streets of Luanda to demonstrate, in circumstances yet to be clarified.
A report from the Américo Boavida hospital indicates that the young man arrived still alive and underwent surgical intervention, pointing to the cause of death as a blunt attack on the head with a blunt object, but witnesses report that Innocent de Matos died on the spot after being hit by a bullet fired by the police, a version that is welcomed by family members.
Zola Bambi, representative of the family, said that he will sue the state and the police, and is carrying out a number of investigations, having made an independent autopsy request in the face of "suspicions" about the official version.
Last Saturday, Alfredo de Matos, the student's father, again appealed for justice to be done and positioned himself for several hours in a silent vigil in front of the PGR.
Alfredo de Matos reaffirmed that the student was killed by the police, regretting that he was murdered in “particularly brutal” circumstances.
"It is in our interest to hold Innocent's funeral as soon as possible (...), however, not without doing the autopsy first," added the young man's father, who said the family has " been encountering countless difficulties "and was pressured to do medical-legal expertise before the lawyer was warned.
According to activist Laura Macedo, who has accompanied the family of Inocêncio de Matos in demanding justice, after the counter-autopsy, a vigil is held in the house where the student lived, with the funeral to be held on 27 November .