Ver Angola


President of AIPEX: Angola has improved a lot in the fight against corruption in the last two years

The president of the Angolan Private Investment and Export Promotion Agency (AIPEX) defended this Wednesday that corruption is also a pandemic and said that in two years the country has evolved a lot in the fight against corruption.


"Corruption is also a pandemic, and we must look at what Angola has achieved in the fight against corruption, looking at the past two years, the measures taken and how institutions like Mo Ibrahim classify Angola, compared to other countries with a similar past, we see that we are on the right track and there are improvements in performance, proving that we take the fight against corruption very seriously ", said António Henriques da Silva.

Speaking during the roundtable organized by Bloomberg at a forum on economic recovery in Africa, the person responsible for promoting and attracting investments to Angola said that "looking at the challenges and opportunities of the continent, the accent is clearly on the opportunities" and added that we need to put Angola on that side of the scale.

"We have to put Angola in that space because of its geographical position, the proven results of reforms and the fight against corruption, the fulfillment of reforms in the light of the criteria of the International Monetary Fund [IMF] or UNCTAD [United Nations Conference on Trade and Development] and this shows that we are on the fastest track ", he argued.

Even so, he pointed out, the work is not all done and more international aid is needed to increase the flow of foreign investments in the country, the second largest oil producer in sub-Saharan Africa.

"South Asia's growth history a few years ago had a strong investment component, which helped to improve the economy and create jobs, and is one of the aspects we want to show at conferences like this", whose page allows you to browse for a promotional brochure for Angola sponsored by AIPEX.

"In addition to the reforms we are carrying out, we need the next injection of foreign funds in order to have the results we hope for," concluded the official.

António Henriques da Silva's participation in the Bloomberg Forum on Investing in Africa follows the intervention of Finance Minister Vera Daves de Sousa, who on Tuesday was the only interviewee in a session on The Future of Angola.

Angola ranked 43rd on the Ibrahim African Governance Index (IIAG) 2020, showing signs of increasing progress, being the third country out of 54 that has improved the most in the last five years.

It was also one of only eight, along with Chad, Côte d'Ivoire, Ethiopia, Madagascar, Seychelles, Sudan and Togo, which has managed to evolve positively in the last decade in the four categories: "Security and the rule of law", "Participation, rights and inclusion "," Basis for Economic Opportunities "and" Human Development ".

Still, Angola is the country with the worst score in Southern Africa, far behind the 66.9 points of leader Botswana.

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