Ver Angola


Kero and Nosso Super in campaign to support Food Bank

In November and December, Grupo Zahara hosts a new “Food Aid” campaign from Banco Alimentar. In the Hypermarkets Kero, the campaign started on November 21st and ends on December 6th, in Nosso Super it had the same start date, and the end will be on December 20th.


Banco Alimentar's donation collection campaigns have been taking place in recent years at Kero stores in terms of direct contribution through products that customers buy at the store and deliver to volunteers who are on site. This year the dynamics are different, explains a statement sent to VerAngola.

Taking into account the pandemic situation, human contact and handling of articles must be restricted to the maximum, and for this reason the contribution is made through the purchase of vouchers with a bar code (500 kwanzas and 2000 kwanzas), which are available sale in the boxes of Kero and Nosso Super stores.

The objective of this “Ajuda Vale” campaign, which has already taken place at the Kero and Nosso Super stores in the past months of August and September, is to add small individual contributions to achieve a significant whole, which alleviates growing and proven needs of various institutions. The amounts collected in this collection will be converted into products and delivered to the Food Bank.

“This valley is not so heavy in your hand, but it has weight in the lives of those that the Food Bank helps. At the end of the day, your help, even if it is light, will be very valuable to someone who needs it! ”, Is the motto of the campaign.

Some of the institutions supported by this action are Beiral, Casa Abrigo, Casa Gaiato, Santa Bárbara Social Center, Dom Bosco, Lar da Nazaré, among others.

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